Saturday, August 8, 2009

Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) in Sound Practice

Australian Postgraduate Award (Industry) in Sound Practice: Supporting Sustainable Careers in Orchestral Musicians through Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives
Two scholarships are being offered by the Discipline of Biomedical Science at the University of Sydney, the Australia Council for the Arts and eight major orchestras of Australia. This project will identify injury risk factors and predictors of injury, trial targeted interventions designed to better manage and prevent injury, and profile the psychological and physical health of professional musicians working within the eight premier state orchestras of Australia. The project aims to develop, implement and evaluate comprehensive multidisciplinary interventions to reduce the current unacceptably high rate of injury in this population and to support musicians in the management of psychological issues such as music performance anxiety and occupational stress. The project will provide an international benchmark for injury risk assessment and management within the orchestral workplace, assessment of physical and mental health of professional musicians and track injury trajectories, thereby facilitating the development of effective Occupational Health and Safety policies for professional Australian orchestral musicians at risk of a prematurely shortened career due to injury.

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Program Affiliate Indowebmaker
Template by: Abdul Munir
Website: 99computercity